15th ASK 14 Meeting, Sarrguemines
The 15th ASK 14 meeting took place from August 10th to 14th, 2023 at the Airfield Sarreguemines (Saargemünd). Ten ASK 14 had traveled to the meeting. The meeting was organized by Raymond Neu, who was supported by Karin and Fredi Huber.
Participants from France, England, Lithuania and Germany came to the ASK 14 meeting. On Thursday, Friday and Sunday it was possible to fly extensively, only on Saturday no flight operations were possible. This day was used to visit the "Musée des Techniques Faiencières & Jardin des Faienciers" (ceramic industry of the 19th and 20th centuries). All aircraft could be parked in the hangar.
The participants thank the Flytclub Sarreguemines, the board and the members for the hospitality and for the excellent hospitality. Many thanks also to CAMO Südwest GmbH, who sponsored the T-shirts this year.
All ASK 14 enthusiasts can already look forward to next year, because next ASK 14 meeting is planned. Venue and date to follow.
Photos: Klaus Peter Gies