Fourth ASK 14 Meet 2012 at Schwalmstadt-Ziegenhain
The 4th ASK 14 Meet recently took at Schwalmstadt-Ziegenhain, Germany. The June 1-3 2012 Meet brought together eight ASK 14s, their pilots and friends of the vintage motorglider. The meeting was organized by Grit and Stefan Tandler with FSV Schwalmstadt-Ziegenhain.
Renata Samulenas from Lithuania made the longest journey (21 hour drive) to this year's meeting and Bill Batesole from USA (now working in Germany) was the other foreign participant. A few of ASK 14s arrived at the airfield early to take advantage of extra flying days together.
The 3-day gathering gave us only one good weather day. Saturday was the fly day and all the ASK14s took to the air with a formation take-off. Flights between 2-6 hours brought smiles to the pilots and lots of lively conversation during the evening activities. Many thanks to Grit and Stefan for providing tasty meals and keeping the beer tap running smoothly.
The participants would like to thank the Board of FSV-Schwalmstadt Ziegenhain and its Members for the excellent hospitality and allowing us use of the airfield and hangar. A special thank-you for our sponsor, LTB Follmann, for providing t-shirts to the participants.
The next ASK 14 Meet will be held July 5-7, 2013 at Schweinfurt in Germany. Rainer Hubert from the Aero Club Schweinfurt has kindly agreed to host the 5th ASK 14 Meet. There ist a facility to start the ASK 14 "trainig week" from the 1st of July 2013. More information will follow on this website.
Photos: Annette, Nils and Klaus Peter Gies
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Hessische/Niedersächsische Allgemeine Bericht 1 vom ASK 14 Treffen in Schwalmstadt
Hessische/Niedersächsische Allgemeine Bericht 2 vom ASK 14 Treffen in Schwalmstadt
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